Informal in-person CEO Network Gathering for members only.
5:00 PM17:00

Informal in-person CEO Network Gathering for members only.

It's time to reconnect in 2022: Informal in-person CEO Network Happy Hour for members only.

Isn't it time to rediscover the joy of the CEO Network community in person?  We hope to see you at an informal CEO & Investor Gathering.

Meet and connect with the 1W community of social entrepreneurs and impact investors, in a casual setting, and have a cheer or raise a glass.

Proof of full vaccination is required for access. Face coverings are required indoors.

Join us in San Francisco as we celebrate our CEO’s wonderful work and fierce resilience over the past two extraordinary years!

If you are an investor and would like to join this invite only gathering, reach out to

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ONE WORLD CEO Network Winter Gathering: Ready for 2022!
10:00 AM10:00

ONE WORLD CEO Network Winter Gathering: Ready for 2022!

>>>Special invite only virtual convening for CEO Network Members and Guests<<<

Join our invite only powerful (+ celebratory) ONE WORLD convening for all CEO Network founders and selected 1W ecosystem friends & investors.

The program features a curated group of investors, and provides insights into how they think about opportunity and entrepreneurship as we head into 2022.

Participants will:

  • Hear directly from a variety of angel and institutional investors on what’s in store for 2022

  • Learn how other CEOs are prepping for success in 2022

  • Meet other CEO Network members


10 AM: Kick Off with Angie Mertens Scott SaslowONE WORLD Training & Investments

Seed Stage Investing - what’s in store for 2022!

How is your pitch landing with investors? Nick Mindel - Amberstone & Trailpost Ventures and Bonnie Lau - Yoconut Dairy Free

11 AM: Series A and beyond - what’s in store for 2022!

How is your pitch landing with investors? Julie Lein - Urban Innovation Fund and Arup Roy-Burman - Elemeno Health

NOON: Learn how other CEOs are prepping for success in 2022

1 PM: Closing

If you are an investor and would like to join this invite only gathering, reach out to

Thank You to our friends at Cooley for support ONE WORLD!

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Crowdfunding For Success
10:00 AM10:00

Crowdfunding For Success

Crowdfunding continues to proliferate and is now a meaningful- sometimes sole- component of an entrepreneur’s fundraising process. Which platforms are driving the most success? How can you as the entrepreneur best prepare for a successful raise? What advantages- and disadvantages- does crowdfunding offer compared to other ways of raising capital? Hear from two CEOs who have managed multiple crowdfunding campaigns on what works, what doesn’t, and how to navigate the process.

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 Informal in-person CEO Network Gathering for members only.
3:00 PM15:00

Informal in-person CEO Network Gathering for members only.

Informal in-person Outdoor CEO Network Gathering for members only.

Isn't it time to rediscover the joy of the CEO Network community in person?  We hope to see you at an informal CEO Network Gathering..

Meet and connect with the 1W community of social entrepreneurs, in a casual setting to network and dive into business challenges, and have a cheer or raise a glass.

Join us in Oakland as we celebrate our CEO’s wonderful work and fierce resilience over the past two extraordinary years!

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EBCF's Inclusive Economy Fall Showcase
11:30 AM11:30

EBCF's Inclusive Economy Fall Showcase

ONE WORLD Training & Investments is delighted to work with the East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF) to support the Inclusive Economy Showcase.

Excited to announce our first virtual Inclusive Economy Showcase on Sept 30 (save the date!) that will highlight entrepreneurs of color and community-based companies and organizations who are building and shaping an inclusive economy in our region. We are committed to democratizing the flow of capital into our community. The showcase will prioritize the needs and goals of the founders and there will be educational opportunities for all participants. Every applicant will receive feedback, support, and exposure.

If you're a social entrepreneur, impact or angel investor, fund or foundation manager, or are simply curious about how we can move more money to the social impact companies and organizations solving problems that benefit the East Bay and its community, you'll want to register for this event!

>>>Request your ticket for the Inclusive Economy Showcase on September 30 here<<<

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Virtual ONE WORLD CEO Summit
10:00 AM10:00

Virtual ONE WORLD CEO Summit

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Get ready for our first annual virtual ONE WORLD CEO Summit! Our early stage CEO Summit brings together social impact and purpose-driven founders, based on the philosophy that “leaders learn best from other leaders.” The topics have been chosen based on the top themes across our five different CEO Network groups.

Impact CEOs will share stories, best practices, insights, as well as challenges in managing the highs and lows of their startup journey. The Summit is designed to equip founders with the tools they need to grow their startups and build businesses that last. During The Superpower Marketplace, our version of an “open mic,” participants can try out new ideas or share specific practices that they have mastered in a collaborative environment.

In addition to compelling content, we have designed a unique structure to the Summit which allows participants to learn alongside their own “pod” to facilitate networking both before and after each session.


  • Networking -participants meet at least 10 new CEOs

  • Education- providing exposure to new ideas and practices that other CEOs use

  • Exposure- create a platform to showcase the work of the member companies

>>> Are you an early stage CEO building a social impact company that is interested in attending the CEO Summit on Aug 19 and learning more about our CEO Network? To request an invitation to the CEO Summit (we’ve limited space for mission driven CEO guests available), please send an email to and provide the following information: CEO name, company name, startup stage and what you hope to learn from the CEO Summit.


10:00 AM: Managing Yourself - Emotional Well Being

Before building anything- let alone a new company- you as the founder need to be fit and ready for the journey ahead. Especially in our current times, the amount of stress in the workplace is staggering and directly impedes individual health, team health, and professional success. This session will cover: As CEO, what’s your role in achieving emotional well being for your company? How do you as a leader stay healthy and manage stress? How do you support your team?


Bailey Farren, CEO & Founder, Perimeter

Kelsey Moreira, CEO & Founder, Doughp

11:00 AM: Managing Your Team

Part #1 - Attracting and Retaining Talent

Everyone agrees, “It’s all about people,” but how do you build a great team? What strategies and specific practices can you deploy to attract - and keep - great talent at your company? 

Speaker: Arup Roy-Burman, Founder & CEO, Elemeno Health

Part #2 - Building a Great Culture

Culture doesn’t just happen. If you aren’t explicit about creating one, it will develop organically (not recommended!). What levers do CEOs have to affect culture?

Speaker: Meena Sankaran, Founder & CEO, Ketos

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12:00 Lunch Break - The Superpower Marketplace

The Superpower Marketplace is our version of an “open mic” - participants try out new ideas or share specific practices that they have mastered in a collaborative environment.

See list of speakers and topics:

  • How to build a successful crowdfunding campaign! Alicia Kidd, Founder & CEO, CocoNoir is sharing behind the scene insights about her crowdfunding experience.

  • Writing investor updates that people actually read! Sri Artham, Founder & CEO, Hooray Foods is sharing practical insights, tips and real life examples about his unique approach to investor newsletters.

  • Securing Non-Dilutive Funding, Rick Schwerdtfeger, Founder & CEO, Leading Edge Equipment Technologies, also former Program Director of the National Science Foundation will share his wealth of knowledge around funding small businesses and start-ups via non-dilutive funding.

  • Growing my community and sales through engaging Micro-influencers, Maria Jose Palacio, Co-founder & CEO, Progeny Coffee, will talk about her strategy and sharing best practices around working with micro-influencers.

  • The power of DISC in your sales process. Daniel Enking, Founder & CEO, Everflux Technologies is teaching his learnings and strategies around how he is using DISC (personal assessment tool) in the sales process, especially around personality profiling for target customers.

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1:00 PM Managing Your Ecosystem

Part #1 - Managing Investors

How do you manage investors, and not let them manage you? Best practices in identifying investor set, building ties, and managing the relationship throughout the lifecycle.

Speaker: Jerry Nemorin, CEO & Founder, LendStreet

Part #2 - Customer Success

Making the sale is half the battle- if your customers aren’t successful, they won’t renew, and you won’t grow. How to ensure they are successful?

Speaker: Rupa Gupta, CEO & Co-Founder, Sown to Grow

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2:00 Managing Growth - Ready For Takeoff?

Ok, you have built a team, product, have customers, plenty of outside capital...what could possibly go wrong? Scaling and handling rapid growth requires specific strategies and careful execution.

Speaker: Kristin Hull, CEO & Founder, Nia Impact

2:30 Close


Adjowah Brodie, The Weekend Store / Alicia Kidd, CoCoNoir / Andrew Hill, LiftEd / Anthony Kolaco, Learning Squared / Anxhela Bruci, Empowerfull / Anurag Kamal, ElectricFish / Ashi Jelinek, KidsLuv / Bailey Farren, Perimeter / Bart Meyers, countable / Bonnie Lau, Yoconut Dairy Free / Casey Fenton, Upstock / Cat Berman, CNote / Chantal Emmanuel, LimeLoop / Charlotte Walter, Charlotte Truffles / Claudia McMullin, Hugo Coffee / Colleen Kavanagh, ZEGO / Daniel Bodner, QuickHaven / Daniel Enking, Everflux Technologies / Deepa Sureka, Kora / Devon Huff, MiSalud / Eric Quick, The Town Kitchen, PocketCFO / Felicity Chen, Potli / Gabriel Cole, Fare Resources / Gana Pemmanda, Resiliens / Harrison Tucker, SpaceCraft / Hien Nguyen, Aspired / Igal Ladabaum, Hospi / Jeff Shardell, Humble Brands / Jerry Nemorin, LendStreet / Jill Lindenbaum, Roomily / Jim Baldwin, DOMATIC / Jo Fleming, Environmental Innovations / Joe Hentz, BuyCycle / Jonathan Tan, Core Shell Technologies / Judy Tan, Purely Drinks / Julia Kirouac, nud fud / Julie Kring, Kephra / Kelsey Moreira, Doughp / Keoke King, Participant / Kevin Kibet Mochama, FarmMoja Khulan Enkhtaivan, Amu Nutrition / Kortney Opshaug, Blue Ocean Gear / Kristin Hull, Nia Impact Capital / Lauren Chew, Love & Chew / Leah Tremblay, Green Ninja / Lisa Altieri, Bright Action / Liz Camacho, Chirps / Liz Polizzi, Nanno / Maria Jose Palacio, Progeny Coffee / Marjorie Scholtz, Verbhouse / Matt Bray, BRAYFOIL Technologies / Meena Sankaran, KETOS / Michelle Hirons, HigherRing / Michelle Wolf, New Wave Foods / Miranda Wang, Novoloop / Nik Balachandran, Zabble / Olya Irzak, Frost Methane / Pedro Moura, Flourish Savings / Phil Neumann, Mainstem Malt / Priya Patel, Stealth / Quentine Vennie, Equitea / Rafael Saavedra, Trace.Coffee / Ravi Mikkelsen, ATMOS / Reneta Jenik, Foodom / Rick Schwerdtfeger, Leading Edge Technologies / Rue Mapp, Outdoor Afro / Rupa Chandra Gupta, Sown to Grow / Sarah Richardson, MicroByre / Sophia Maroon, Dress It Up Dressing / Sophia Yen, Pandia Health / Sri Artham, Hooray Foods / Steve Ardagh, Eagle Protect / Suma Reddy, Future Acers / Sumeet Maniar, Wellbrain / Suresh Perera, CapConnect+ / Sway Soturi, Forest & Flour / Tony Hua, Viva Translate / Tyler Kreitz, Focus On The Field / Victor Karkar, Scrible / Virginia Klausmeier, Sylvatex

Thank You to our friends at Cooley for support ONE WORLD!

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 Informal in-person CEO Network Gathering for members only.
2:30 PM14:30

Informal in-person CEO Network Gathering for members only.

It's time to reconnect in 2022: Informal in-person CEO Network Gathering for members only.

Isn't it time to rediscover the joy of the CEO Network community in person?  We hope to see you at an informal CEO Network Gathering..

Meet and connect with the 1W community of social entrepreneurs, in a casual setting to network and dive into business challenges, and have a cheer or raise a glass.

Proof of full vaccination is required for access. Face coverings are required indoors.

Join us in San Francisco as we celebrate our CEO’s wonderful work and fierce resilience over the past two extraordinary years!

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Legal Considerations in building and investing in social enterprises
2:00 PM14:00

Legal Considerations in building and investing in social enterprises

Both social entrepreneurs and investors face unique opportunities and challenges in the growth of early stage social enterprises. For entrepreneurs, understanding how to structure the business, design the financing round, and ready the company for outside capital are top of mind. For investors, recognizing what is unique about a social enterprise, the various forms of capital that may be deployed, and how to best support the investment are pertinent topics. This webinar will address the top legal considerations from both the entrepreneur and investor perspective for high growth early-stage social enterprises.

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EBCF's Inclusive Economy Showcase
11:30 AM11:30

EBCF's Inclusive Economy Showcase

ONE WORLD Training & Investments is delighted to work with the East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF) to support the Inclusive Economy Showcase.

Excited to announce our first virtual Inclusive Economy Showcase on April 22nd (save the date!) that will highlight entrepreneurs of color and community-based companies and organizations who are building and shaping an inclusive economy in our region. We are committed to democratizing the flow of capital into our community. The showcase will prioritize the needs and goals of the founders and there will be educational opportunities for all participants. Every applicant will receive feedback, support, and exposure.

If you're a social entrepreneur, impact or angel investor, fund or foundation manager, or are simply curious about how we can move more money to the social impact companies and organizations solving problems that benefit the East Bay and its community, you'll want to register for this event!

>>>Request your ticket for the Inclusive Economy Showcase on April 22 here<<<


11:30 AM: Welcome & Kick Off with James W. Head, President & CEO and Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, CFO, East Bay Community Foundation

Introduction and overview of "Impact Investing for Community Foundations” with Val Red-Horse Mohl, CFO, East Bay Community Foundation

Panel Discussion: “Impact Investing: Investing for an Inclusive Economy”

12:15 PM: Inclusive Economy Showcase emceed by Sabrina Wu, Senior Fellow, East Bay Community Foundation

Presenting Social Entrepreneurs*:

*Criteria for presenting Social Entrepreneurs: East Bay-based (or nearby Bay Area), serving the East Bay, social impact for-profit companies, or non-profit organizations seeking impact investments or loans. BIPOC or women-led or founded given priority. Based in and serving BIPOC communities/clients. Already raised some funds and will be raising funds in 2021

2:00 PM: Breakout sessions

2:30 PM: Closing with Val Red-Horse Mohl, CFO, East Bay Community Foundation

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Financing Alternatives for Social Impact Companies
2:00 PM14:00

Financing Alternatives for Social Impact Companies

While early stage social impact companies have the same financing options as traditional start-ups (convertible notes, SAFEs, equity), they also have options unique to their category of business given the social mission. These include funding via Donor Advised Vehicles (DAFs) which have exploded in popularity, and from unique- and sometimes non dilutive- sources of capital such as the National Science Foundation. In this session, hear from impact investor David Cooper who has successfully helped social enterprises secure DAF funding, as well as CEO Rupa Chandra Gupta who has successfully navigated NSF to raise over $1M in non-dilutive capital.

Sign up for this free event HERE.

Thank you to our friends at Cooley who support this series!

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The CEO Network launches new cohorts in March &amp; April *Apply Today*
10:30 AM10:30

The CEO Network launches new cohorts in March & April *Apply Today*

Join the brand-new ONE WORLD CEO Network. This network is designed to accelerate learning and business success for its participants.
We are starting new cohorts in January and February, a group of carefully curated CEO's, all of whom have or will soon be raising outside capital for their company, across several different industries. Members share a strong desire to both "give and get" from a values-aligned community of for-profit social enterprise CEOs.

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Sobriety to Shark Tank; Building a Business to Stamp Out Stigma
10:00 AM10:00

Sobriety to Shark Tank; Building a Business to Stamp Out Stigma

Kelsey Moreira endured years of stress, burnout and an unhealthy addiction caused from years in high performance corporate cultures. After a journey of self-discovery and sobriety, Kelsey realized these experiences were not unique to her and is now dedicated to breaking the stigma around mental health & addiction recovery through her start-up, Doughp.

Join the interactive discussion with Scott Saslow from ONE WORLD Training & Investments as he dives with Kelsey Moreira into her journey, what's worked and what hasn't - along with real actionable tips for employers and business owners to build a company that can give back.

Sign up for this free event HERE.

Thank you to our friends at Cooley who support this series!

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ONE WORLD Virtual Impact Summit 2020
9:30 AM09:30

ONE WORLD Virtual Impact Summit 2020


In 2020, we will see a new and emerging generation of founders and impact innovators organizing around pressing global problems to develop solutions that create measurable societal benefits and economic opportunities. In every vital industry including Healthcare, Sustainable Energy, Education, and Social Justice, we will continue to see how investing in socially responsible ideas can generate greater value within our communities as well as favorable financial returns. When our communities connect around a shared vision, we create ONE WORLD.

Join ONE WORLD Virtual Impact Summit on April 30th for an unforgettable day of immersive roundtable discussions, digital storytelling, keynotes, and interactive speed talks with the impact industry’s most influential investors, founders, and ecosystem builders.

At the ONE WORLD Virtual Impact Summit, we will highlight success stories of investors, entrepreneurs, and other professionals in the impact ecosystem and how they have collaborated to develop market-based solutions and new industry standards. Now, more than ever, we believe it is crucial to foster relationships between founders, funders and the community to create meaningful impact for generations to come. Our goal at ONE WORLD is to create a platform for mission-driven peers to connect, to share knowledge, and to find opportunities for further collaboration in business development and beyond.

We invite social entrepreneurs, angel, impact and institutional investors, fund and foundation managers, and the impact-curious to explore how ONE WORLD Virtual Impact Summit can expand horizons and connect communities over the shared value of positive and purposeful impact for the people and the planet.

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1:30 PM13:30

Reel Impact Festival

Join us for an extraordinary night as our community comes together to celebrate social entrepreneurs and impact organizations through filmmaking, storytelling, and networking with like-minded people.

How do social impact organizations (both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations) strategically use short videos and storytelling to share their impact? We’ll explore how film and short videos are used by mission driven organizations to spread positive messages, drive change, and achieve strategic goals.

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Hacking Food - Bay Area Sustainable Food &amp; Agriculture Festival
1:00 PM13:00

Hacking Food - Bay Area Sustainable Food & Agriculture Festival

Are you interested in new trends and topics in the sustainable food industry? Want to get to know innovative Bay Area food entrepreneurs? Curious to meet the funders investing in food & agriculture enterprises? Or are you a curious foodie that wants to try new products? Then join us for an engaging and inspiring day focusing on all things food!

Hacking Food is an interactive festival that lets you sample delicious products while learning first-hand from local entrepreneurs, investors and food industry professionals about what it takes to build a successful food brand that prioritizes people and the planet. These founders and funders are taking on some of the world's biggest problems in the food sector in the most innovative ways.

With live demonstrations, company showcases, and educational talks and workshops, you’ll get a taste of the thriving Bay Area sustainable food scene and meet the players creating social impact in our area and beyond.

Social entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists and everyone else interested in food is welcome to this unique event. 

Come out to meet some amazing people and get inspired!

AGENDA (see our growing speaker list):

10:30AM-1PM: Morning roundtables (Invitation only)

  • A. Fund Managers Roundtable - Peer to peer discussion on identifying opportunities, structuring investments, and supporting portfolio companies. Facilitated by Chuck Templeton, Managing Director, S2G Ventures

  • B. Angel Investors Roundtable - Peer to peer discussion on identifying opportunities, structuring investments, and supporting portfolio companies. Facilitated by Arno Hesse, Co-founder, FOOD FUNDED, Credibles, investibule

  • C. Entrepreneurs Roundtable - Peer to peer discussion on fundraising strategy, sources of capital, and investor management. Facilitated by Ha Nguyen, Partner & Founding Team Member, Spero Ventures and Meena Sankaran, Founder & CEO, KETOS

1:00: Main Program Registration 
1:30: Program kick off with Angelina Mertens & Scott SaslowONE WORLD and Rob VeresSpero Ventures
1:45: Opening Panel/ Keynote speaker 

2:30: Business showcase: B2B food businesses 

3:00: Corporate Showcase 

3:30: Networking break  
4:00 Breakout sessions: 
        1) Innovative Technology in Producing & Distributing Sustainable Food

        2) Opportunities in Plant based Proteins

        3) Funding Sustainable Food & Agriculture Companies

5:00: Networking break
5:30: Business showcase: B2C food businesses -

6:00: Closing 
6:30: Reception and Networking  


Enjoy product samples and live demonstrations! We have an inspiring group of social entrepreneurs that will staff booths, including

 *** Watch our 2017 event video below and read our blog***

Thank you to our media partner Conscious Media Company & Eventbrowse

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Aarti ChandnaSV2 / Alexandra Winter HoelzlONE WORLD / Alice ZhangYardy Ventures / Amelia ChenGeltor / Amy HartButterflies & Bees Productions / Andrew FalconFull Cycle Bioplastics / Arno HesseFOOD FUNDEDCrediblesinvestibule / Angie MertensONE WORLD / Anita JoshiNetskope Becky EdwardsPorter Novelli / Bill BrownellSV2 / Bob Nabati Bob Quinn, author of Grain by Grain / Bonnie CoberlyONE WORLD / Brian Thomas / Bronwen SterlingFare Resources / Cameron TurnerOxford Angel Fund / Carin GerhardRocketSpace / Catherine NunesEdible Silicon Valley Chef ChewSomething Better Foods / Chuck HoltInvesteco / Chuck TempletonS2G Ventures / Claire SchlemmeRenewal Mill / Coline LeConteTastefully Made / Collen KavanaghZego Food Courtney McCoyIGZU / Dan Altschuler MalekUnovis Partners & New Crop Capital / Daniel BeckmannFoodShed Danny RubensteinMISTA / Dave CooperMontcalm Capital / Dominique BarnesNew Wave Foods / Ela MadejFifty Years / Eline BootTERRA Food & Ag AcceleratorRaboBank / Di LamontRenewal Mill / Elisabeth BurgerSocial Venture Circle / Emily ReismanUCSC Eric AdamsonTortuga AgTech / Erik MalmstromSafe Traces / Eric QuickThe Town Kitchen / Gabriel ColeFare Resources / Haider NazarMAHA Global / Ha NguyenSpero Ventures / Kevin LoAtaraxis / Kiran KasturyEat Safe Verified / Lisa CurtisKuli Kuli / Liz CarlisleGrain by Grain / Renata GomezSocial Venture Circle / Rob VeresSpero Ventures / Jefferson SevillaThe Town Kitchen / Jennifer O'ConnerGuidelight Strategies / Jim FlattBrightSeed / Jim FournierJLINC / Joe PickrellGencove / John SelepInsight & Execution / Judy TanPurely Drinks / Julie WurfelSfoglini Karl KerksiekFinestere Ventures / Kelsey WitherowDoughp / Kim ConnollyLoupe Graphics / Kortney OpshaugBlue Ocean Gear / Krista GambrelSpero Ventures Laughlin SilvestriNia Impact Investments / Laura D'AsaroChirps Chips / Leone ManniBPM LLP / Lisa JonesSV2 / Liz SpechtThe Good Food Institute / Luke MertensAtlassian / Lyndsey BoucherleBetter Ventures / Madalyn FriedmanMLF Marketing / Maly LyRelativity Space / Marcus BenedettiClover Sonoma / Maria BrennanSoñar! Foods / Maria Pronello, VITA / Meena SankaranKetos / Michael ChertokJCF Michelle WolfNew Wave Foods / Mitchell HarkenriderTerViva / Miyoko SchinnerMiyoko's / Marcus BenedettiClover Sonoma / Kelsey WitherowDoughp / Kortney OpshaugBlue Ocean Gear / Kerri SinclairKin Group / Noelle Fogg ElibolKitchen Table Advisors / Paula SaslowCopper Rose Films / PatrickArchieStanford Educational Farm / Pat SchnettlerStanford GSB / Perri Kramerfs6 / Pia Henrietta Kekäläinen, Carbo Culture / Poonam Narula / Rada DogandjievaClif Bar Raja / Rajiv ParikhPosition 2 Rasheed MitchellICA Fund / Renata GomezSocial Venture Circle / Rene JacquatLogiChain Solutions / Rich GrantTouchdown Ventures / Rohan JollyTerViva / Ryan ArmisteadHappy Moose Juice / Sam LippmanFormer Executive Chef at Airbnb / Sandra TrinidadGlowrious Pantry / Scott SaslowONE WORLD / Shaun Aharam`Uala / Sibella KrausSage Center Sri ArthamHorray Foods / Spencer Christopher ArnoldMiller Center / Stephanie LindElohi / Susanna PoonRosewood Family Advisors / Sylvie CharlesJust Date Syrup / Tijan WattRed Bay Coffee / Taylor FloresGreenBiz / Tomas LorschOneness Venture Capital / Tony StaynerSV2 / Trishna SaigalDown to Cook / Valerie ChristyAlmanac Insights / Valerie Red-Horse Mohl,  Social Venture Circle / William Culler-ChaseMultiStrata Partners / Yumi TomitaUnited Foods International Zach AndersonIGZU /

***Space will be limited for this event to ensure high-quality idea exchange***

**Student & Nonprofit discount on request. Please contact:**

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Bay Area Impact Summit
1:00 PM13:00

Bay Area Impact Summit

2019 Bay Area Impact Summit:
Connecting Founders and Funders to Accelerate Impact

ONE WORLD is excited to host our 5th Bay Area Impact Summit (BAIS) on March 19th! 

If you're a social entrepreneur, impact or angel investor, fund or foundation manager, or are simply curious about how we can move more money to the companies solving problems that benefit people and the planet, you'll want to be there.

At BAIS, we will highlight examples of the inspiring ways Bay Area investors, entrepreneurs, and other professionals in the impact ecosystem are taking bold steps today to create a better world. We will create space for you to deeply connect with your mission-driven peers, learn from other founders and funders, and find potential collaborators or local companies to support.

The 2019 program will feature:

  • on-stage keynote presentations and interviews with thought leaders in the field of impact investing

  • fireside chat discussions and panel discussion with seasoned investors

  • breakout sessions on ways to raise capital, how to leverage the alternatives offered by the impact investment community, how to build diversity and inclusion into your business or investment portfolio, and more

  • a full slate of pitches from 10 of the best Bay Area-based social entrepreneurs

  • and an engaging reception to connect with local investors, entrepreneurs, and other partners sharing our interest in ramping up support for companies and investors that prioritize people and the planet, in addition to profits.

Check out the previous highlight video below + the 2017 Impact Summit blog & 2018 Impact Summit blog to learn more about the BAIS.


  • Learn – Gain exposure to the fundamentals of the industry and learn directly from practitioners

  • Network – Build relationships with other companies and impact professionals

  • Action – Identify opportunities to increase impact, as investor, entrepreneur, or corporate professional


  • Structure – Roundtable and discussions, entrepreneur pitch presentations, reception and networking time

  • Participants – Mix of entrepreneurs, investors, and corporate professionals

  • Focus – Bay Area based impact professionals so you can get to know your local community


10am-1pm: Morning roundtables (space permitting, by invitation)
1-1:30pm: Registration 
1:30 pm: Opening session with Joel Solomon, Founding Partner, Renewal Funds; Co-Author of “The Clean Money Revolution” and Kristin Hull, Founder & CEO, Nia Capital
moderated by Scott Saslow, CEO & Founder, ONE WORLD Training & Investments

2:30 pm: Social Entrepreneur Presentations Round I

3:30 pm: Break & Networking

4:00 pm: Breakout Sessions

Breakout I: Funding Social Impact Enterprises: From the Known to the Novel

Investors have several options in terms of both the sources of capital they deploy into social enterprises, as well as the tools they use in structuring the deals all of which help to manage financial return expectations. This roundtable discussion examines the options and allows participants to share what has worked for them- and what hasn't- in funding social impact companies. Presenters: Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, Executive Director, Social Venture Circle and Tony Stayner Board Member of SV2 / Managing Director at Excelsior Impact Fund. Moderator: Lisa Van Dusen, Chief Relationship Officer, SV2

Breakout II: Impact Investing Across The Asset Classes

Investors have a wide variety of choices in terms of impact investments in each of the major asset classes:  Equity, Fixed Income, Real Assets, Alternatives, and Cash.  Stephanie Cohn RuppCat Berman of CNote and Jase Wilson of Neighborly will provide an overview of options across the classes, as well facilitate a conversation with the participants on how best to identify and evaluate the performance of such investments.  

Breakout Panel III: The Social Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon: Grants, Crowdfunding, and Non Dilutive Financing 
There are certain types of funding sources that only social entrepreneurs have access to, including grants, program related investment or low-interest loans. Where can you find these sources of capital, and how do you successfully apply for them? This breakout will explore these options in detail, and you will hear from entrepreneurs who have successfully raised this type of capital. Moderator: Catherine Crystal Foster, CEO, Give Local Silicon Valley
Panelists: Ken Tsunoda, Vice President of Development, TechSoupandMiranda Wang, Co-Founder and CEO of BioCellection

5:00 pm: Social Entrepreneur Presentations Round II 

6:15: Closing Remarks & Award Ceremony

6:30 pm: Reception


**Morning Roundtables:**
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: SOCIAL VENTURE CIRCLE LOCAL NETWORK GATHERING, for accredited investors only. If you're an accredited investor and interested in joining, kindly reach out to Renata Hron Gomez to learn more:

10:15 AM - 1 PM: CEO ROUNDTABLE "Hiring Great Talent, Building Great Cultures" facilitated by Christa Quarles, former CEO, OpenTable and Kimberly-Clark Board member  and Meena Sankaran, Founder & CEO KETOS. Check with to learn more and register.

10:30 AM - 1 PM:  FUND MANAGER ROUNDTABLE "Building diverse teams and funding underrepresented CEOs" facilitated by Kristin Hull, Nia Impact Capital and Daryn Dodson, Illumen Capital. If you are a fund manager, kindly check with to learn more.

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Mindy ChristensenAmalgamated Bank / Andi KleissnerAmped InnovationMichael SteinrueckArtisan Partners / Thomas QuertonatlasGo / Linda ItskovitzAventi Group / Dr. Jin LeeBabyNoggin / Stephen MaltaBay Area Council / Rick MossBetter Ventures / Miranda WangBioCellection /Aishetu DozieBossy Cosmetics / Wanny HerseyBullis Charter School / Eric Brisson / Shelley SwanCarry The Vision / Larissa Robideaux, Center for Excellence in Nonprofits / Brittany HodgeClient Safety Services / Cat BermanCNote / Michael MearaCommunity Capital Advisors / Erik EdwardsCooley LLP / Jen BarnettCooley LLP / John ClendeninCooley / Arno HesseCredibles Carolina MirandaCultivating Capital / Rosemary Jordan, Elder Care Alliance / Nika DuanEmerson Collective Tony Stayner, Excelsior Impact Fund / John LevyFranklin Tempelton Investments / Andreas FreundDiveIn / Shannon McNairDiveIn / Cynthia Travis, Earth Altar / Arup Roy-BurmanElemeno Health / Peter Herzfs6 / Philipp StaufferFYRFLY Venture Partners / Catherine Crystal FosterGive Local Silicon Valley / Kathy JacksonGive Local Silicon Valley / Wendy Stern, Grief Support Network / Gagan Jared LevyGuru Media Solutions / Elizabeth Stelluto Dunaier, Gnu Foundation /Alison MartinGreat Guides / Gagan Jared LevyGuru Media Solutions Laure-Anne PirsonHult University / Daryn DodsonIllumen Capital / David FoxInternet Archive / James Fournier, JLINC Labs / David RosenheimJobs With Impact / Joe Bialowitz Kaiser Permanente Eric WilburnKaruna /Uriridiakoghene (Ulili) OnovakpuriKapor Capital / Meena Sankaran, KETOSYscaira Jimenez, LaborX / Jocelyn DeGance GrahamLEVERS / Logan YonavjakLift Economy / Andrew HillLiftEd Kristian RantaMeru Health / David FoxInternet Archive / Dolly Ngo, Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship / Teri EyreMiller Center for Social Entrepreneurship / Tet SelvaMomWarrior / David CooperMontcalm Capital / Raymond HutchisonNationSwell / Karen MelendezNationSwell / Jase WilsonNeighborly / Kristin HullNia Capital / Paul Wythes, Oakdell Capital / Scott SaslowONE WORLD / Angie MertensONE WORLD / Bonnie CoberlyONE WORLD / Sri ArthamONE WORLD / Chuck BrownOrion Advising / Prashanthi RavanavarapuPayPal Donna SkyProject Equity / Alec WagnerPurple Maiʻa Foundation /Jordan HammondRelab Bay Area / Robert FishkinReframe It / Joel SolomonRenewal Funds / Shrina KuraniRepublic / Jill LindenbaumRoomily / Siggy RubinsonRoomily / Brendan RawsonSan Jose Jazz / Wisa Uemura, San Jose Taiko / Courtenay Carr HeuerScientific Adventures for Girls / Tanal BasmasFoundation / Valerie Red-Horse MohlSocial Venture Circle / Ha NguyenSpero Ventures / Bulbul GuptaSocos LLC / Naomi BaerStanford / Sarah BurgaudStartOutMarie BernardSunnyvale Community Services / Aarti ChandnaSV2 / Carmen MunozSV2 / Grace MahSV2 / Linda LazorSV2 / Lucinda BrommersmaSV2 / Nancy HeinenSV2 / Brad JohnstonTanoshi Anwar McQueenTEAMinc / Ken TsunodaTechSoup / Michelle GlauserTechtonica / Stephen DinanThe Shift Network / Eric QuickThe Town Kitchen / Xavier Duboisevoxtelevision network / Rafael SaavedraTrace.Global/Trace.Coffee /  John FohrTrustLayer / Eric BoyerUBS / Poonam NarulaUC Davis / Miriam Rivera, Ulu Ventures / Julie LeinUrban Innovation Fund / Katie PowersWeFunder / Cory SmithWisdom Labs / Colleen Kavanagh PuknysZegos Foods /


ONE WORLD Training, PBC is a facilitator bringing together investors and early stage companies. ONE WORLD Training, PBC is not affiliated with the presenting companies and does not endorse or recommend any of the companies (or the securities of such companies) that may seek funding at an event organized by ONE WORLD Training, PBC such as the Impact Summit. Any offers to, or investments made, by an individual who attends the Impact Summit will be to or in his, her or its individual capacity. Consequently, investors conduct their own due diligence in connection with any investment in companies, including but not limited to legal, tax, and investment advice.

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3:30 PM15:30

Reel Impact Film Festival

Join us for an extraordinary night as our community comes together to celebrate social entrepreneurs and impact organizations through filmmaking, storytelling, and networking with like-minded people.

How do social impact organizations (both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations) strategically use short videos and storytelling to share their impact? We’ll explore how film and short videos are used by mission driven organizations to spread positive messages, drive change, and achieve strategic goals.

Need some inspiration in your life? Come out to meet some amazing people and get inspired! These social impact entreprenerus are taking on some of the world's biggest problems in the most innovative ways.

For more information visit our website: Reel Impact Film Festival.


3:30 PM - Green Carpet Networking Reception

4:00 PM - Welcome by ONE WORLD & Mama Hope

4:15 PM - Social Impact Video Storytelling opening interviews with

5:00 PM - RIFF finalists video screening round I

5:30 PM - Screening Round Debrief Spotlight

6:00 PM - Break

6:30 PM - RIFF finalists video screening round II

7:15 PM - Three workshops

Workshop 1: Stop the Pity, Unlock the Potential - A movement to shift the narrative: How can authentic, community-driven storytelling build a media movement?

Workshop 2: Documentary style promotional filmmaking

Workshop 3: How to create a successful campaign raising money via kickstarter - tricks and best practices

8:30 PM - Award Ceremony moderated by

***Watch our inspiring RIFF2016 video and read our 2017 RIFF blog***



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BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE TOWN KITCHEN - thanks for providing your delicious food to #RIFF2018 guests

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1:30 PM13:30

Innovations in Corporate Social Impact: Solving Business Challenges with Social Entrepreneurship


Companies of all types are taking a fresh look at the broader impact of their work- how their employees, customers, and their communities are impacted by what and how they produce.  While increasingly desirable for leaders to make sure their company has a positive societal impact, it is not often clear how that is done at scale, especially in a way that supports the business goals and financial targets.  Enter social entrepreneurship.

One of the most rapidly growing areas within the field of entrepreneurship is that of for-profit social entrepreneurship- innovative, for-profit businesses designed to simultaneously drive a social or environmental impact.  The Bay Area is fortunate to be home to the largest concentration of these for-profit social impact startups, many of which are already collaborating with larger traditional companies who are their customers, suppliers, and go-to-market partners. 


The main themes of the program include:

  • Attracting and retaining talent - How are organizations leveraging social enterprises to create a unique employee value proposition, and increase employee engagement?

  • Increasing revenue - How are organizations utilizing entrepreneurship to drive into new markets?

  • Reducing costs - Which start-ups are helping to reduce corporate healthcare costs while simultaneously increasing worker productivity?   

What’s Unique

  • Innovative Start-ups - The program will provide exposure to many of the Bay Area top startups helping mid to enterprise size organizations address core business challenges.

  • Participants - Attendees from a variety of corporate functions, including executive office, product and service line leaders, Finance, Marketing & Sales, HR and Operations.

  • Focus - The program is focused on corporate initiatives where both financial and social goals are achieved simultaneously

  • Local - Part of the goal is to foster stronger connections among the local Bay Area ecosystem of professionals in companies


1:30pm: Registration

2:00pm: Welcome & opening panel with Ann Mei Chang, author of Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good. Learn more and order your copy here.

3:00pm: Social entrepreneur showcase led by Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, Executive Director, Social Venture Circle

Featured social impact companies that are successfully delivering a product or service into mid to large enterprises. Speakers include:

  • Mark Godley, CEO, LeadGenius: LeadGenius provides a combination of technology and human intelligence at scale to help global revenue teams by producing richt, actionable data on an ongoing basis.

  • Cory Smith, CEO & Co-founder, Wisdom Labs: Wisdom Labs helps great companies become wiser workplaces.

  • Dan Kalafatas, Chairman and Co-Founder, 3Degrees: 3Degrees provides clean energy services, including PPAs, RECs, community solar and more, to organizations looking to meet sustainability goals.

  • Megan Mokri, CEO & Founder, Byte Foods: Byte Foods is changing the way people eat at work by making it easy to put fresh, healthy food in non-serviced offices

  • Debbie Mullin, CEO & Founder, Copper Cow Coffee: Copper Cow Coffee brings specialty Vietnamese coffee to your office, home and adventure

  • Mike Jordan, CEO & Founder, CircleOf: CircleOf is a digital health app that helps caregivers and patients organize and mobilize their family, friends, and co-workers into an on-demand care community, allowing anyone at anytime to create a connected community of care.

  • Shannon Spanhake, CEO & Founder, Cleo: Cleo is reimagining care and support for today's expecting parents in the workforce.

  • Martha Hernandez, CEO & Founder, MadeBOS: MadeBOS is a smart, AI driven, career pathing platform that creates economic mobility for entry level workers in retail and adjacent.

  • Kristian Ranta, CEO & Founder, Meru Health: Meru Health is an online medical clinic treating depression and burnout.

4:pm: --- Break ---

4:30pm: Breakout Sessions

Breakout A - Leveraging “Biznevolence” to Attract and Retain Employees.

How do you support the corporate financial goals while simultaneously supporting an ecosystem of several hundred not for profit organizations throughout the world?  In this breakout, Bryan will dive into a key business process for Box, that of hiring talent, and walk through a program he invented to increase leads of new recruits while simultaneously drive more philanthropic giving and support.

Moderator: Bryan Breckenridge, Senior Director & Executive Director,

Panelist: Shannon Spanhake, CEO & Founder, Cleo:

Breakout B - Leveraging Social Entrepreneurship to Build Capabilities and Grow Markets

Pearson’s flagship social impact campaign Project Literacy provides a platform for supporting social enterprises aligned with the company on combating illiteracy. The campaign has also strengthened Pearson's own capacity for innovation and approach to reaching new markets and customer segments. Since 2016, Pearson has supported 29 ventures through its literacy accelerator and, as part of this program, uses a methodology known as the 'Braintrust' to help companies get to breakthrough insights in a short amount of time. The format for running a Braintrust was developed by Unreasonable Group, pulling from the best practices at Pixar, the Stanford, and Google X. In this breakout, Jennifer Young and Julia Firestone will lead a Braintrust to showcase how to apply this methodology to solve key business challenges.

Moderators: Jennifer Young Perlman, Director Innovation and Partnerships and Julia Firestone, Social Impact Strategist, Pearson

Breakout C - Reducing Costs, Increasing Impact.

How can a start-ups such as Meru Health, help corporations reduce costs and minimize risk, while simultaneously increasing worker productivity and welfare?  

Moderator: Dan Kalafatas, Chairman and Co-Founder, 3Degrees

Panelist: Cory Smith, CEO & Co-founder, Wisdom Labs

5:30pm: Corporate Showcase

6:00pm: Closing Comments


Marketing & Program Partners

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to Oct 19

Toniic's North American Regional Event: Impact at Scale

ONE WORLD is honored to co-create Impact at Scale - Toniic’s regional meeting in Silicon Valley. The program will enable the toniic community to think innovatively about how to scale their work driving positive change.  We will explore the levers that power Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, specifically innovation, technology, and networks and how they are combined in novel ways to create new companies and industries. Additionally, the program will include a slate of presentations from multiple impact funds and direct investments exemplifying these themes.


Thursday Oct. 18

4:30 pm - Doors Open & Networking

5:00 pm - Welcome by Kim Griffin, Relationship Manager, toniic

5:30 pm - Opening remarks by Richard Fahey, President, Skoll Foundation

6:00 pm - Panel - Investor’s Journey

Danny Almagor, Managing Director, Small Giants

Ann Marie Rousel, Social Impact

Kim Griffin, Relationship Manager, toniic

6:45 pm - Reception & Networking

8:00 pm - Optional Drinks/Dinner offsite

Friday Oct. 19

8:30 am - Breakfast & Networking

9:00 am - Welcome by Adam Bendell, CEO, toniic

9:20 am - Opening Presentation: Impact at Scale: Sarah Stein Greenberg, Executive Director,

10:15 am - Break

10:30 am - Breakout sessions

  1. Leveraging Innovation to scale: Shalu Umapathy, Managing Director, Ideo.Org

  2. Leveraging Technology to scale: Anda Ngcaba, Ngcaba family / Ibrahim Alhusseini, Full Cycle Energy / Lesely Marincola, Angaza / Moderator: Lisa Kleissner, toniic co-founder

  3. Leveraging Networks to scale: Laura Francis, Director of the Sea Forward fund / Moderator: Ryan Kushner, Expert in Residence, Clean Energy Fund

11:30 am - Report out - Breakouts

12:00 pm - Lunch & Networking  

1:15 pm - Impact Fund Presentations: Wes Selke, Better Ventures / Kayoko Lyons, MicroVest / Arvind Gupta, Indi Bio /Moderator: LItal Slavin, Founder & CEO, Beyond Family Office

2:30 pm - Networking Break

3:00 pm - Direct Deal Presentations: Richard Perl, TerraCycle / Meena Sankaran, KETOS / Phoenix Revolution / Moderator: Dimple Sahni, Anthos Asset Management

4:00 pm: Recap

4:30 pm: Close

Please note this is an invitation-only event for Toniic members.  To learn more about Toniic, please contact Richard Muller at

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5:30 PM17:30

Social Impact Happy Hour

ONE WORLD and Westly Foundation- invite you - our networks and social impact community members to connect in a casual environment to encourage meaningful, face-to-face conversations. This month we’re joined by social innovators from the Westly Prize network, the former winners and finalists of the Westly Prize for Young Innovators of California, sponsored by the Westly Foundation. Get out of the office and off your phone to join other social entrepreneurs, impact investors, non-profits, foundations, and social impact professionals for a fun evening.

The Westly Foundation is a Silicon Valley-based foundation established in 2000 by Steve Westly – founder of the Westly Group and former Controller of the State of California – and his wife, Anita Yu. In addition to sponsoring the Westly Prize, the Foundation makes grants to high-performing non-profits that serve children and youth at risk in California.

The open application for the 2018-19 Westly Prize closes on October 15 so innovators under age 28 are encouraged to learn more and apply!

Note: space is limited to 30 attendees for this special Happy Hour!

Get your spot here.

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11:00 AM11:00

CEO Roundtable: Raising The Series A

The purpose of the gathering is to provide an opportunity for social entrepreneurs to connect with each other and a few institutional investors on the topic of fundraising.   The discussion will be guided by expert investors who have worked with hundreds of start-up CEOs over their careers. 

Topic: Raising Series A


11am - Welcome & Introductions - Scott Saslow & Angie Mertens ONE WORLD

11:15 - Facilitated discussion by Andrew BeebeObvious Ventures

Noon - Lunch & networking with additional entrepreneur and investor guests

1pm - Facilitated discussion by Heidi PatelReThink Impact

2pm - Wrap up


Dominique Barnes, Co-founder & CEO, New Wave Foods

Andrew Beebe, Managing Director, Obvious Ventures

Danny Cotter, Investor, Westly Group

Jeffrey Engler, CEO, Wright Electric

Andrew Hill, Co-founder & CEO, LiftEd

Lynn Johnson, Co-founder & CEO, Spotlight:Girls

Sidarth Kakkar, Co-founder & CEO, Freckle

Virginia Klausmeier, President & CEO, Sylvatex

Angie Mertens, Program Director, ONE WORLD

Heidi Patel, Partner, ReThink Impact

Marsela Pecanac, Director/SVP, New Resource Bank

Meena Sankaran, Founder & CEO, Ketos

Scott Saslow, Founder & CEO, ONE WORLD

Keely Stevenson, Founder & CEO, Weal Life

David Snydacker, Founder & CEO Lilac Solutions

Rose Wang, Co-founder, & CEO, Chirps Chips

Sophia Yen, Co-founder & CEO, Pandia Health

Jeanne Yao, Co-founder & CTO, BioCellection

*Note: this is an invite only event. If you're interested in joining similar events in the future reach out to

Thank you to our host New Resource Bank!

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3:30 PM15:30

Hacking Food - Bay Area's Sustainable Food & Agriculture Festival

Join us for an engaging and inspiring afternoon focusing on food! Interested in the hottest topics in the sustainable food industry? Want to get to know disruptive food entrepreneurs? Curious to try new food products?

Several small, midsize and large companies from the Bay Area will showcase their products and services through live demonstrations at their booths. Social entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists and everyone else interested in food is welcome to this unique event.

Come out to meet some amazing people and get inspired! These impact entrepreneurs are taking on some of the world's biggest problems in the food sector in the most innovative ways.



3:30 pm Check in & networking reception

4:00 pm Welcome words by ONE WORLD

Opening remarks: Liz Carlisle, Lecturer, Stanford University "Food and Agriculture: Current Top Five Trends"

4:20 pm Panel Discussion - Scaling a business and keeping sustainability at the core - an industry, investor & entrepreneur perspective

4:45 pm Entrepreneur Spotlight

5:00pm Four Workshop Sessions 

1. Engaging consumers to change behavior, do good and drive growth 

2. Transforming the supply chain: delivering impact right from the source 

4. Sustainable YOU! - Just like a business, which must plan to be sustainable, and successful, YOU must have a clear, specific plan for your own health. In this workshop we will explore the three pillars of a healthy lifestyle which can significantly impact your health and general well-being; MOVEMENT, MINDFULNESS/REST, AND Real FOOD! 

5. Impactathon Mini: a bite-sized version of Impactathon®! This session, open to problem solvers of all ages will walk participants through a lightening rounds of ideation around food waste, food packaging, and food distribution impact opportunities. 

6:15pm Networking reception & live demonstrations at food booths


Enjoy product samples and live demonstrations! We have an inspiring and growing group of social entrepreneurs that will staff booths, including

 *** Watch our 2017 event video here and read our blog***

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1:30 PM13:30

Innovations in Corporate Social Impact Summit

Impact Alpha.png

This program brings together professionals in Bay Area corporations who have direct and indirect responsibility for the social and environmental impact of their organization.  There are many efforts underway in large and mid-sized companies designed to increase social impact, many of which go well beyond traditional corporate social responsibility efforts.  This program is designed to provide practical examples of the ways in which companies are driving impact while also achieving business goals.  

***Get your ticket here and learn more***


1:30pm - Registration

2:00pm - Welcome by ONE WORLD

2:20pm - Fireside chat:

* Peter Van Camp, Interim Chief Executive Officer, President & Executive Chairman, Equinix

* Scott Saslow, Founder & CEO, ONE WORLD Training & Investments (moderator)

3:00pm - Four Break Out Panels - Round I

1. Leveraging Talent for Impact: From frontline employees to senior executives, how are companies putting their human capital to work to drive positive impact?

* Jessica Hyman, Head of Engagement and Insights, Atlassian

* Whitney Hampton, Senior Manager Gap Inc.

* Brian Thomas, Business Architect, Growth and Sustainability, Equinix

* Geoff Trotter, Founder & Managing Director, KMPact (moderator)

2. Innovative Uses of Corporate Resources

Beyond corporate philanthropy and volunteerism, what additional ways can companies leverage financial capital and intellectual capital to make a positive impact to the environment and society?

* Kari Dohn Decker, Managing Director, Corporate Responsibility, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

* John Baer, Managing Director, Enterprise Risk Solutions, Moody's Analytics

* Sunya Ojure, Senior Manager, Sustainability, Salesforce

* Pamela Roussos, Chief Innovation Officer, Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Santa Clara University (moderator)

3. Designing & Delivering Products for Impact: How are companies delivering products, services and opportunities for underserved populations, domestically and abroad?

Shannon Siart, Manager, Sustainability Initiatives, HPE

* Jennifer Young, Director Global Social Impact Programs, Pearson

* Murali Vullaganti, Founder & CEO, PeopleShores

Beau Cronin, Partner, The Data Guild

* Scott Saslow, Founder & CEO, ONE WORLD Training & Investments (moderator)

4:00pm Networking Break

4:30pm - Four Break Out Panels - Round II (same topics and speakers as in Round I)

5:45pm Closing remarks ONE WORLD

6:00pm Networking Reception

Get your ticket here and learn more

***Read our 2017 event blog here***

What’s Unique

  • Participants - Attendees from a variety of corporate functions, including HR, product and service line leaders, Finance, Marketing & Sales, and Operations.

  • Focus - The program is focused on corporate initiatives where both financial and social goals are achieved simultaneously

  • Local - Part of the goal is to foster stronger connections among the local Bay Area ecosystem of professionals in companies

Speakers - see our growing list

At Atlassian, Ms. Hyman creates change by bringing people together through a shared vision and fostering commitment and ownership. She also serves on the Board President for Girls on the Run, a non-profit organization that uses running as a tool for…

At Atlassian, Ms. Hyman creates change by bringing people together through a shared vision and fostering commitment and ownership. She also serves on the Board President for Girls on the Run, a non-profit organization that uses running as a tool for empowering young women to realize their full potential.







Over the past twelve years at Equinix, Mr. Thomas has played leadership roles in the areas of Finance, Strategy, Culture, and CSR, including five years as Chief of Staff to the CEO. Before Equinix, Brian was an Investment Banker with Citigroup in Lo…

Over the past twelve years at Equinix, Mr. Thomas has played leadership roles in the areas of Finance, Strategy, Culture, and CSR, including five years as Chief of Staff to the CEO. Before Equinix, Brian was an Investment Banker with Citigroup in London, Singapore, New York and San Francisco.

Mr. Van Camp was appointed Interim CEO and President in January 2018, as he continues to serve as Equinox’s Executive Chairman, a position he was appointed to in April 2007. Earlier in his career, Mr. Van Camp worked at UUNET, where he served as Pre…

Mr. Van Camp was appointed Interim CEO and President in January 2018, as he continues to serve as Equinox’s Executive Chairman, a position he was appointed to in April 2007. Earlier in his career, Mr. Van Camp worked at UUNET, where he served as President of Internet markets and as President of the Americas region. Mr. Van Camp currently serves as Lead Independent Director of publicly-traded Silver Springs Networks and on the Board of Directors of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.

Ms. Hampton serves as the Senior Manager at Gap Foundation. She has 14+ years of experience working in responsible business, community affairs, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability.

Ms. Hampton serves as the Senior Manager at Gap Foundation. She has 14+ years of experience working in responsible business, community affairs, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability.

At JPMorgan, Ms. Decker manages corporate responsibility in the Western U.S. Prior to that she managed global philanthropy, corporate responsibility and government relations, also for the Western Region. She serves as a member of the Board of Direct…

At JPMorgan, Ms. Decker manages corporate responsibility in the Western U.S. Prior to that she managed global philanthropy, corporate responsibility and government relations, also for the Western Region. She serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Linked Learning Alliance and is an Advisory Council Member at Stanford Center on Longevity.

As the Chief Innovation Officer, Ms. Roussos is responsible for ensuring the scaling of Miller Center’s work both working with social entrepreneurs and partners and innovating new methods of support and engagement with social entrepreneurs. She is a…

As the Chief Innovation Officer, Ms. Roussos is responsible for ensuring the scaling of Miller Center’s work both working with social entrepreneurs and partners and innovating new methods of support and engagement with social entrepreneurs. She is also a member of Livelyhoods’ Board Chair, a mentor at Global Social Benefit Institute (Santa Clara University), and a Director at Pact.

At Moody’s Analytics, Mr. Baer serves as the leader in the Credit Assessment and Origination and Small Business Lending business lines of Enterprise Risk Solutions. Prior to that, he served as the Senior Manager Transaction Advisory Services at Erns…

At Moody’s Analytics, Mr. Baer serves as the leader in the Credit Assessment and Origination and Small Business Lending business lines of Enterprise Risk Solutions. Prior to that, he served as the Senior Manager Transaction Advisory Services at Ernst & Young. Mr. Baer is currently a member on the Advisory Board at Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship.

For the past 15 years, Ms. Young has worked across public, private and nonprofit sectors to advance solutions to large-scale social and public policy challenges. At Pearson, she oversees the company's programs and partnerships for its global social …

For the past 15 years, Ms. Young has worked across public, private and nonprofit sectors to advance solutions to large-scale social and public policy challenges. At Pearson, she oversees the company's programs and partnerships for its global social impact campaigns, including Project Literacy. She also serves on the Board of Directors of a community-based nonprofit, SFCASA, that advocates for abused and neglected children in foster care.

Mr. Vullaganti is the co-founder of PeopleShores and RuralShores, both social enterprises focusing on job creation for unemployed youth in underserved communities. Over the last eight years, RuralShores has gone on to become the world’s largest Impa…

Mr. Vullaganti is the co-founder of PeopleShores and RuralShores, both social enterprises focusing on job creation for unemployed youth in underserved communities. Over the last eight years, RuralShores has gone on to become the world’s largest Impact Sourcing Service Provider (ISSP). Previously, he was Managing Director of Xansa India (now Steria) and Executive member of the Group Management Board.

Ms. Ojure is a sustainability professional with expertise in corporate sustainability strategy, communications, stakeholder engagement, project management, and event greening. Before becoming the Senior Manager, Sustainability at Salesforce, she wor…

Ms. Ojure is a sustainability professional with expertise in corporate sustainability strategy, communications, stakeholder engagement, project management, and event greening. Before becoming the Senior Manager, Sustainability at Salesforce, she worked for other big corporations, such as Facebook and Mcdonalds.

Mr. Cronin is a partner at The Data Guild, a venture studio that co-creates new businesses in life sciences, healthcare, demand-side energy, and other sectors that bear on social and environmental impact. Before that, he co-founded two companies bas…

Mr. Cronin is a partner at The Data Guild, a venture studio that co-creates new businesses in life sciences, healthcare, demand-side energy, and other sectors that bear on social and environmental impact. Before that, he co-founded two companies based on probabilistic inference, both backed by Founders Fund. The second, Prior Knowledge, was acquired by Salesforce in 2012.

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12:00 PM12:00

Bay Area Impact Summit - Spring '18

Accelerating Impact: ONE WORLD’s Bay Area Impact Summit

ONE WORLD is excited to announce its 4th Bay Area Impact Summit! 

We will highlight examples of how investors, entrepreneurs, and other professionals in the impact ecosystem are taking bold steps today to create a better world. 

This program features on-stage interviews with thought leaders in the field of impact investing, fireside chat discussions and panel of investors, a full slate of pitches from 8-10 of the best Bay Area-based social entrepreneurs, and an engaging reception to connect with local investors, entrepreneurs, and other partners sharing our interest in moving the local social entrepreneurship space forward.

REGISTER HERE to to roll up your sleeves and get inspired for action.

Space will be limited for this event to ensure high-quality idea exchange.

Alongside with many experts, investors and entrepreneurs we will dive deep into themes including:

  • Gender Lens Investing

  • Corporate Impact Investing

  • How to raise capital

--- View the previous highlight video here ---

--- Bay Area Impact Summit, May 10 event blog here ---


12:00 pm: Doors open / Lunch / Registration

1:00 pm: Fireside chat with Morgan Simon, Managing Director, Candide Group: Author of Real Impact and Scott Saslow, CEO & Founder, ONE WORLD Training & Investments

1:45 pm: Social Entrepreneur Presentations Round I

3:00 pm: Break & Networking

3:30 pm: Breakout Panels

Breakout Panel I - Gender Lens Investing with Kristin Hull, Founder & CEO, Nia Impact CapitalHeidi Krauel Patel, Partner, Rethink ImpactLynn Johnson, Co-founder & CEO, Spotlight: GirlsImogen Rose-Smith, Investment Fellow at University of California Office of the President

Breakout Panel II - Entrepreneur Panel: How to raise capital. Hear from successful entrepreneurs with Cameron Turner, Fund Manager, Oxford Angel FundTracey Turner, Founder & Chairman, Copia GlobalAndrew Falcon, CEO, Full Cycle Bio PlasticsMeena Sankaran, CEO, Ketos

Breakout Panel III - How to Deploy Capital to Social Venture Start-ups. Learn from investors using regional, sectoral, and structural strategies to generate financial returns and real impact: with Renata Gomez, Director of Community Programs & Services, Investors’ Circle & Social Venture Network and Pippa GawleyInvestors’ Circle & Social Venture Network and ONE WORLD Training & Investments,  Miles Lasater, founder, Purpose Built Ventures

Breakout Panel - Corporate Impact Investing: speakers TBA

4:45 pm: Social Entrepreneur Presentations Round II

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Reception & Award Ceremony




  • Learn – Gain exposure to the fundamentals of the industry and learn directly from practitioners

  • Network – Build relationships with other impact professionals

  • Action – Identify opportunities to increase impact, as investor, entrepreneur, or corporate professional


  • Structure – Roundtable and discussions, demo day presentations

  • Participants – Mix of entrepreneurs, investors, and corporate professionals

  • Focus – Bay Area based impact professionals


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10:00 AM10:00

Innovations in Corporate Social Impact Roundtable

This roundtable* connects Bay Area professionals working in the corporate social impact field who desire to learn and network in an informal, peer-to-peer environment.  There are many efforts underway in companies across all industries designed to increase the organization’s social and environmental impact, many of which go beyond traditional corporate social responsibility efforts.  The focus of this roundtable series is to explore innovative approaches to common challenges.

Roundtable Goals

  • Strengthen the professional network of each participant

  • Broaden exposure of local corporate impact programs

  • Provide opportunity for participants to share successes and lessons learned

Roundtable Topics

In addition to each participant providing an update of their organization’s impact activity, we will explore the following topics as time allows:

  1. Measuring financial Impact- Making the Case to the CFO

  2. Marketing Social Impact Wins: What Works for Suppliers, Employees, and Customers

  3. Leveraging Bay Area Resources to Drive Impact

*invite only

If you are interested in learning more, contact


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5:30 PM17:30

Social Impact Happy Hour

Come and join ONE WORLD's growing social impact community in Silicon Valley

Get out of the office or house, unplug, and unwind with others who want to help create positive social impact. We look forward to a mix of social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and nonprofit, foundation and social impact enthusiasts of all stripes. 

If you're interested in joining, contact


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11:00 AM11:00

Innovations in Corporate Social Impact Roundtable

This roundtable* connects Bay Area professionals working in the corporate social impact field who desire to learn and network in an informal, peer-to-peer environment.  There are many efforts underway in companies across all industries designed to increase the organization’s social and environmental impact, many of which go beyond traditional corporate social responsibility efforts.  The focus of this roundtable series is to explore innovative approaches to common challenges.

Roundtable Goals

  • Strengthen the professional network of each participant

  • Broaden exposure of local corporate impact programs

  • Provide opportunity for participants to share successes and lessons learned

Roundtable Topics

In addition to each participant providing an update of their organization’s impact activity, we will explore the following topics as time allows:

  1. Measuring financial Impact- Making the Case to the CFO

  2. Marketing Social Impact Wins: What Works for Suppliers, Employees, and Customers

  3. Leveraging Bay Area Resources to Drive Impact

*invite only

If you are interested in learning more, contact


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3:00 PM15:00

Reel Impact Film Festival

Join us for an extraordinary night as our community comes together to celebrate social entrepreneurs and impact organizations through filmmaking, storytelling, and networking with like-minded people.

How do social impact organizations (both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations) strategically use short videos and storytelling to share their impact? We’ll explore how film and short videos are used by mission driven organizations to spread positive messages, drive change, and achieve strategic goals.

Need some inspiration in your life? Come out to meet some amazing people and get inspired! These social impact entreprenerus are taking on some of the world's biggest problems in the most innovative ways.

For more information visit our website: Reel Impact Film Festival.

SPEAKERS / WORKSHOP HOSTS - see our growing list:

Hunter HolcombeAJ+

Katie Carey and Katrina BoratkoMama Hope

Natasha Deganello GiraudieMicro-Documentaries

Benjamin PackardRetainer Media

Gabriel DiamondSkoll Foundation

Jared Karol, Storytelling for Good

Niema JordanThe Alliance for Media Arts + Culture

Ken Fisher, Truth be Told Creative

****Watch our inspiring RIFF2016 video here, we hope to see you for RIFF2017***

Missed our event? Here is our blog.

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5:30 PM17:30

Social Impact Happy Hour

Come and join ONE WORLD's growing social impact community for a Film Festival + Storytelling - Social Impact Happy Hour in Palo Alto. This month we’re partnering with Storytelling for Good. This promises to be a fun, inspiring and engaging evening around Film Festivals and storytelling. And YES, it’s a great chance to connect with the community before ONE WORLD’s Reel Impact Film Festival on 11/16.

Get out of the office or house, unplug, and unwind with others who want to help create positive social impact. We look forward to a mix of storytellers, filmmakers, social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and nonprofit, foundation and social impact enthusiasts of all stripes. 

Sign up here.


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