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Virtual ONE WORLD CEO Summit

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Get ready for our first annual virtual ONE WORLD CEO Summit! Our early stage CEO Summit brings together social impact and purpose-driven founders, based on the philosophy that “leaders learn best from other leaders.” The topics have been chosen based on the top themes across our five different CEO Network groups.

Impact CEOs will share stories, best practices, insights, as well as challenges in managing the highs and lows of their startup journey. The Summit is designed to equip founders with the tools they need to grow their startups and build businesses that last. During The Superpower Marketplace, our version of an “open mic,” participants can try out new ideas or share specific practices that they have mastered in a collaborative environment.

In addition to compelling content, we have designed a unique structure to the Summit which allows participants to learn alongside their own “pod” to facilitate networking both before and after each session.


  • Networking -participants meet at least 10 new CEOs

  • Education- providing exposure to new ideas and practices that other CEOs use

  • Exposure- create a platform to showcase the work of the member companies

>>> Are you an early stage CEO building a social impact company that is interested in attending the CEO Summit on Aug 19 and learning more about our CEO Network? To request an invitation to the CEO Summit (we’ve limited space for mission driven CEO guests available), please send an email to and provide the following information: CEO name, company name, startup stage and what you hope to learn from the CEO Summit.


10:00 AM: Managing Yourself - Emotional Well Being

Before building anything- let alone a new company- you as the founder need to be fit and ready for the journey ahead. Especially in our current times, the amount of stress in the workplace is staggering and directly impedes individual health, team health, and professional success. This session will cover: As CEO, what’s your role in achieving emotional well being for your company? How do you as a leader stay healthy and manage stress? How do you support your team?


Bailey Farren, CEO & Founder, Perimeter

Kelsey Moreira, CEO & Founder, Doughp

11:00 AM: Managing Your Team

Part #1 - Attracting and Retaining Talent

Everyone agrees, “It’s all about people,” but how do you build a great team? What strategies and specific practices can you deploy to attract - and keep - great talent at your company? 

Speaker: Arup Roy-Burman, Founder & CEO, Elemeno Health

Part #2 - Building a Great Culture

Culture doesn’t just happen. If you aren’t explicit about creating one, it will develop organically (not recommended!). What levers do CEOs have to affect culture?

Speaker: Meena Sankaran, Founder & CEO, Ketos

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12:00 Lunch Break - The Superpower Marketplace

The Superpower Marketplace is our version of an “open mic” - participants try out new ideas or share specific practices that they have mastered in a collaborative environment.

See list of speakers and topics:

  • How to build a successful crowdfunding campaign! Alicia Kidd, Founder & CEO, CocoNoir is sharing behind the scene insights about her crowdfunding experience.

  • Writing investor updates that people actually read! Sri Artham, Founder & CEO, Hooray Foods is sharing practical insights, tips and real life examples about his unique approach to investor newsletters.

  • Securing Non-Dilutive Funding, Rick Schwerdtfeger, Founder & CEO, Leading Edge Equipment Technologies, also former Program Director of the National Science Foundation will share his wealth of knowledge around funding small businesses and start-ups via non-dilutive funding.

  • Growing my community and sales through engaging Micro-influencers, Maria Jose Palacio, Co-founder & CEO, Progeny Coffee, will talk about her strategy and sharing best practices around working with micro-influencers.

  • The power of DISC in your sales process. Daniel Enking, Founder & CEO, Everflux Technologies is teaching his learnings and strategies around how he is using DISC (personal assessment tool) in the sales process, especially around personality profiling for target customers.

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1:00 PM Managing Your Ecosystem

Part #1 - Managing Investors

How do you manage investors, and not let them manage you? Best practices in identifying investor set, building ties, and managing the relationship throughout the lifecycle.

Speaker: Jerry Nemorin, CEO & Founder, LendStreet

Part #2 - Customer Success

Making the sale is half the battle- if your customers aren’t successful, they won’t renew, and you won’t grow. How to ensure they are successful?

Speaker: Rupa Gupta, CEO & Co-Founder, Sown to Grow

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2:00 Managing Growth - Ready For Takeoff?

Ok, you have built a team, product, have customers, plenty of outside capital...what could possibly go wrong? Scaling and handling rapid growth requires specific strategies and careful execution.

Speaker: Kristin Hull, CEO & Founder, Nia Impact

2:30 Close


Adjowah Brodie, The Weekend Store / Alicia Kidd, CoCoNoir / Andrew Hill, LiftEd / Anthony Kolaco, Learning Squared / Anxhela Bruci, Empowerfull / Anurag Kamal, ElectricFish / Ashi Jelinek, KidsLuv / Bailey Farren, Perimeter / Bart Meyers, countable / Bonnie Lau, Yoconut Dairy Free / Casey Fenton, Upstock / Cat Berman, CNote / Chantal Emmanuel, LimeLoop / Charlotte Walter, Charlotte Truffles / Claudia McMullin, Hugo Coffee / Colleen Kavanagh, ZEGO / Daniel Bodner, QuickHaven / Daniel Enking, Everflux Technologies / Deepa Sureka, Kora / Devon Huff, MiSalud / Eric Quick, The Town Kitchen, PocketCFO / Felicity Chen, Potli / Gabriel Cole, Fare Resources / Gana Pemmanda, Resiliens / Harrison Tucker, SpaceCraft / Hien Nguyen, Aspired / Igal Ladabaum, Hospi / Jeff Shardell, Humble Brands / Jerry Nemorin, LendStreet / Jill Lindenbaum, Roomily / Jim Baldwin, DOMATIC / Jo Fleming, Environmental Innovations / Joe Hentz, BuyCycle / Jonathan Tan, Core Shell Technologies / Judy Tan, Purely Drinks / Julia Kirouac, nud fud / Julie Kring, Kephra / Kelsey Moreira, Doughp / Keoke King, Participant / Kevin Kibet Mochama, FarmMoja Khulan Enkhtaivan, Amu Nutrition / Kortney Opshaug, Blue Ocean Gear / Kristin Hull, Nia Impact Capital / Lauren Chew, Love & Chew / Leah Tremblay, Green Ninja / Lisa Altieri, Bright Action / Liz Camacho, Chirps / Liz Polizzi, Nanno / Maria Jose Palacio, Progeny Coffee / Marjorie Scholtz, Verbhouse / Matt Bray, BRAYFOIL Technologies / Meena Sankaran, KETOS / Michelle Hirons, HigherRing / Michelle Wolf, New Wave Foods / Miranda Wang, Novoloop / Nik Balachandran, Zabble / Olya Irzak, Frost Methane / Pedro Moura, Flourish Savings / Phil Neumann, Mainstem Malt / Priya Patel, Stealth / Quentine Vennie, Equitea / Rafael Saavedra, Trace.Coffee / Ravi Mikkelsen, ATMOS / Reneta Jenik, Foodom / Rick Schwerdtfeger, Leading Edge Technologies / Rue Mapp, Outdoor Afro / Rupa Chandra Gupta, Sown to Grow / Sarah Richardson, MicroByre / Sophia Maroon, Dress It Up Dressing / Sophia Yen, Pandia Health / Sri Artham, Hooray Foods / Steve Ardagh, Eagle Protect / Suma Reddy, Future Acers / Sumeet Maniar, Wellbrain / Suresh Perera, CapConnect+ / Sway Soturi, Forest & Flour / Tony Hua, Viva Translate / Tyler Kreitz, Focus On The Field / Victor Karkar, Scrible / Virginia Klausmeier, Sylvatex

Thank You to our friends at Cooley for support ONE WORLD!