Impact Profiles

Many companies are moving beyond traditional Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) models that are often based on philanthropy and volunteerism toward the integration of addressing social and environmental problems in the normal course of business, what we refer to as Corporate Social Impact (CSI).  There is huge potential for organization to leverage their vast resources toward impact while achieving business goals.

At ONE WORLD, our objective is to expose the ecosystem to best practices by providing successful case studies and models to showcase this progressive type of impact.

In our Impact Profiles, you will find inspiring and useful stories about companies creatively approaching problems through a CSI lens and driving real results for the community, environment, and the world.  

To better understand how we measure these Impact Profiles, take a look at the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on the horizontal axis and Business Drivers on the vertical axis below.


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Business Drivers:

A business driver is a process or activity that achieves the financial goals of an organization.  Examples are divided into two categories, both of which increase net profits:


Revenue Generation

- Increase market awareness

- Strengthen customer satisfaction and loyalty

- Penetrate new markets

- Develop new products and services 


Cost Reduction

- Improve talent attraction, productivity, and retention

- Build resilient, sustainable supply chains

- Reduce manufacturing costs

- Minimize corporate risk