Innovations in Corporate Social Impact:
Startups, Risk-Taking & Profitable Social Impact
ONE WORLD’s fourth annual Innovations in Corporate Social Impact program will focus on how organizations are solving their business challenges by partnering with social enterprise start-ups.
Companies of all types are taking a fresh look at the broader impact of their work- how their employees, customers, and their communities are impacted by what and how they produce. While increasingly desirable for leaders to make sure their company has a positive societal impact, it is not often clear how that is done at scale, especially in a way that supports the business goals and financial targets.
Enter social entrepreneurship.
One of the most rapidly growing areas within the field of entrepreneurship is that of for-profit social entrepreneurship- innovative, for-profit businesses designed to simultaneously drive a social or environmental impact. The Bay Area is fortunate to be home to the largest concentration of these for-profit social impact startups, many of which are already collaborating with larger traditional companies who are their customers, suppliers, and go-to-market partners.
The main themes of the program are aligned to key business drivers:
Attracting and retaining talent - Which social enterprises help corporations create a unique employee value proposition and increase employee engagement?
Increasing revenue - How do enterprises partner with social impact start-ups to discover new markets and to speed product development?
Reducing costs - Which social enterprises help their corporate clients reduce costs while simultaneously increasing worker productivity?
What's Unique:
Innovative Start-ups - The program provides exposure to dozens of the Bay Area top social impact startups helping mid to enterprise size organizations address core business challenges in a way that is profitable, and socially impactful.
Participants - Attendees from a variety of corporate functions, including executive office, product and service line leaders, Finance, Marketing & Sales, HR and Operations.
Focus - The program is focused on corporate initiatives where both financial and social goals are achieved simultaneously. This is not CSR in the form of corporate philanthropy- we mean business
10:30am-1:00pm: Morning Peer to Peer Roundtables (invite-only)
CSR/ CSO Roundtable moderated by Chris Librie, Social Impact and Sustainability Leader, eBay and Nicolette van Exel, CEO NVE Social Impact Services, former Head of CSR at Intuit and Global Director of CSR at SAP. This roundtable will discuss options available for companies to increase their impact, which goes beyond traditional corporate philanthropy and employee volunteerism.
CFO/ Investor Relations Roundtable moderated by Derek Bingham, Co-head, GS SUSTAIN, Goldman Sachs and Brian Thomas, Advisor, Connectivity Capital & Professor, Santa Clara University. This roundtable will explore how companies choose to communicate their impact initiatives to the investor community, and how investors value corporate social impact.
Impact in the Supply Chain: Social Venture Circle will facilitate a discussion with large corporations focused on (or considering focusing on) impact procurement for their supply chains.
Talent Management Roundtable moderated by Alfredo Mathew, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Earn & Learn. The roundtable will explore how enterprises are diversifying the talent pipeline as both a social imperative and one that affects the bottom line. We will explore the following themes: * Employee Engagement Strategies and Youth Programming (Salesforce, Okta) * Certifications and Apprenticeships (SVB, Kapor) * Future of Work, Up-skilling, and Lifelong Learning (Semi Foundation, Pager Duty). See the growing participant list below: Alfredo Mathew, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Earn & Learn / Nikki Tosiello, Director of Workforce Development, / Megan Watts, Bay Area Community Relations, Lockheed Martin Space / Nisha Kadaba, Global Social Impact, Pager Duty / Erin Baudo Felter, Executive Director, Okta for Good / Shari Liss, Executive Director, Semi Foundation / Amy Wallace, Northern CA Relationship Manager Global Philanthropy, JP Morgan Chase / Zsofia Madi-Sabo, Access to Innovation Program Manager, SVB / Kirsten Lundgren, Director Tech Talent Services, Kapor Center
1:00PM: Registration
1:30PM: Program kickoff with Scott Saslow, CEO, ONE WORLD & Angie Mertens, Program Director, ONE WORLD
1:45PM: Keynote panel: "The Opportunity for Corporate Social Impact" / In this panel we will explore several key questions, including: Where are we with regard to CSR/ CSI? How does Wall Street Value CSI? What are the opportunities for startups and enterprises? Panelists will scan the current state of the CSI landscape and offer new perspectives on the business case for social impact and where the tipping point lies for mainstream adoption of more sustainable business practices.
Derek Bingham, Vice President, Goldman Sachs
Bernadette Clavier, Executive Director, Center for Social Innovation, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Jennifer Young, Director, Innovation and Partnerships, Pearson
2:30PM: Panel Discussion: "Global Corporate Challenge: Climate Change" / How is climate change affecting business enterprises and what are companies doing to address the climate change issue? Other than lessening carbon footprint, what other innovations can companies focus on to be good environmental stewards? In this panel, we will explore the broad topic of climate change and how industries must adapt locally and globally. Panelists will cover a range of climate change risks (and opportunities), financial tools and systems, and possibilities for industry collaborate on climate change issues.
Alicia Seiger, Managing Director, Lecturer, Sustainable Finance, Stanford University
Brian Thomas, Advisor, Connectivity Capital & Professor, Santa Clara University & former Business Architect, Growth and Sustainability, Equinix
Jessica Hyman, Head of Sustainability & Strategy, Atlassian
Steve Rochlin, CEO, Impact ROI
3:15PM: Networking Break
3:45PM: Introduction of new B-B Business Directory, Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, Executive Director, Social Venture Circle
4:00PM B2B Startup Showcase (see back for additional information about the presenters)
4:45PM: Panel Discussion: "Local Corporate Challenge: Affordable Housing" / The lack of affordable housing in the Bay Area is an urgent problem that affects individuals, families, and corporations- the latter of which are increasingly finding innovative ways to direct their resources toward addressing the issue. This panel will explore how Bay Area corporations are investing their own capital into funds, such as the TECH fund, to address a social problem in their own backyards as part of their business operations. The panelists will explore the opportunities, challenges, and success stories in how corporations are creating solutions to the housing problem.
Julie Rosser Mahowald, Chief Financial Officer, Housing Trust Silicon Valley
Katie Ferrick, Sr. Director of Workplace, Community & Environment, LinkedIn
Michelle Mann, Senior Manager, Global Philanthropy and Employee Engagement, NetApp
Quency Phillips, Community Engagement Manager, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
5:30PM: Innovation in Impact Awards + Closing Words
6:00-7:30PM: B-B business expo & Reception
CSI StartUp Showcase
Thank you to our Program Partner:
Thank you to our Community Partners:
See our growing guest list:
Aaron Dowell, TechSoup / Aarti Chandna, SV2 / Adam Rosenzweig, Okta for Good / Adriane Gamble Armstrong, Juma Ventures / Alessandro Battisti / Alfredo Mathew, Earn & Learn / Alicia Seiger, Stanford University / Alison Schmitt, JFF / Amber Gladys, Medallia / Amy Ferrel, UBS / Amy Wallace, JP Morgan Chase / Angela Carter, Korn Ferry / Angie Mertens, ONE WORLD / Anoop Nagendra, Berkeley Impact Venture Partners / Aparna Gole, PeopleShores / Bart Myers, countable / Becca Blazak, TechEquity Collaborative /Bernadette Clavier, Center for Social Innovation, Stanford Graduate School of Business / Bonnie Coberly, ONE WORLD / Brad Michaels, SocialLab / Ben Matranga, Connectivity Capital / Brian Thomas, Connectivity Capital, Santa Clara University / Bryan Breckenridge, / Chantal Emmanuel, LimeLoop / Carin Gerhardt, RocketSpace / Carson Kelly, Benevolently / Charlotte Blumenthal, Replate / Chris Librie, eBay / Chetan Jhaveri, Position2 / Crosby Cromwell, Flexability / Daryl Graves, Workday / David Cooper, Montcalm Capital / David Lehr, Hult University / Deb Parsons / Catherine Crystal Foster, Magnify Community / Cody McMurtry, Zabble / Colin Swenson, Fern / Courtney Karnes, SVB / Danielle Pensack, Rightfoot / Daniel Student, Potrero Group / Deirdre Clute, Rightfoot / Derek Bingham, Goldman Sachs / Diane Pham, Kiva / Dorian Johnson, COM Consulting / Elena Zhang, TechSoup / Elizabeth Burger, Social Venture Circle / Elizabeth Funk, Dignity Capital / Eric Brisson, Alation / Eric Boucher, Ovio / Erin Baudo Felter, Okta for Good / Francene Kennedy, Workforce Advisor / Gabriel Cole, Fare Resources / Gagan Jared Levy, Guru Media Solutions / Gary Lucks, Beyond Commpliance / Geoff Trotter, KPMpact / Grace Chen, Slide 32 / Heather Jin, Medallia / Jan D'Alessandro, Pledge 1 % / Jama Adams, Sideporch / Jennifer Young Pearlmann, Pearson / Jessica Hyman, Atlassian / Jess Skylar, AllHere / Jill Newbold, Social Venture Circle / Jo Fleming, California Green Business Network / Julie Rosser Mahowald, Housing Trust Silicon Valley / Julius Nyanda, HouseKeys / Katie Ferrick, LinkedIn / Keely Wachs, Zume / Kelly Rytel, 3Degrees / Ken Tsunoda, TechSoup / Kirsten Lundgren, Kapor Center / Lauri Pastrone, Peace by Peace International / Linda Granger, Eden Area ROP / Livia Campos de Menezs, ONE WORLD / Maddy Cimino, Slack for Good / Madhyama Subramanian, Solidaridad Network / Manisha Shah, Team4Tech / Manuel Maqueda, SUPER / Megan Watts, Lockheed Martin Space / Michelle Mann, NetApp / Miki Bellon, Mikology / Molly Moore, SUPER / Natalie Zandt, Meter Leader / Nicolette van Exel, NVE Social Impact Services, former Head of CSR at Intuit and Global Director of CSR at SAP / Nisha Kadaba, PagerDuty / Nikhil Balachandran, Zabble / Nikki Tosiello, / Octavia Hudson / Omar Butler / Paula Saslow, Copper Rose Films / Paula Smith Arrigoni, Bay Area Video Coalition / Peter Mullen, VXI Global Solutions / Pragnya Alekal, PeopleShores / Priyanka Khole, ONE WORLD / Quency Phillips, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) / Orrian Willis, City & County of San Francisco / Rajiv Parikh, Position2 / Rebecca Dray, Society Profits / Rebecca Kaduru, Solidaridad Network / Renata Gomez, Social Venture Circle / Rodney Pierre-Antoine, Lumen Christi Academies / Robert Fishkin, Reframe It / Scott Saslow, ONE WORLD / Shari Liss, Semi Foundation / Sheri Sobrato Brisson / Stephen Malta, Bay Area Council / Steve Rochlin, Impact ROI / Susan Eddins, Consultant Life Science Commercial Strategies / Thais Rezende, BizWorld / Thomas Querton, atlasGo / Tomas Quinonez-Riegos, LaborX / Tina Kobetsky, DWS Group / Tina Wung, RocketSpace / Tiphaine Boyer, Ovio / Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, Social Venture Circle / Virginia Kofler, 3M /